Touch interaction support in our libraries has always been limited, and implemented in a way that we came to regard as technical debt. The latest library releases remove support for it without (immediate) replacement.
For a long time, we regarded touch interaction as a shaky, experimental feature. As browsers evolved it still built on top of an abandoned external library. It was not heavily used, and not fully working either. With bug reports piling up over time, but limited incentives for us to invest, we decided to drop that aspect of our libraries. So at last, we removed the (broken) touch support, and some legacy in the process.
Path Forward
Do you see a reason to do complex diagram modeling on mobile / tablet clients? If so, then we want to hear from you. Are you an expert in the field of touch support and a JavaScript geek? Approach us and let us explore ways to make touch interaction an E2E working community extension.
Contact us via our forums, follow us on Mastodon, and file any issue you find in the respective toolkit issue trackers.
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